#scuba Investigation ongoing in Nubble diver’s death – Seacoastonline.com
[ad_1] YORK, May — After the death of a New Hampshire diver on Tuesday, July 7, York police suspended diving off Nubble Light until the investigation into the circumstances of the incident is concluded, according to Lt. John Lizanecz. Police will meet with York Parks and Recreation for a determination on a reopening plan. The
YORK, May — After the death of a New Hampshire diver on Tuesday, July 7, York police suspended diving off Nubble Light until the investigation into the circumstances of the incident is concluded, according to Lt. John Lizanecz.
Police will meet with York Parks and Recreation for a determination on a reopening plan. The fatal accident was the second diving accident in the waters off Nubble Light, a scuba diving destination, in two days.
The investigation into the death of 67-year old Walter Fabian of Nashua is being headed by Sgt. Matthew Sinclair of the Maine Marine Patrol. According to Sgt. Sinclair, in addition to assessing the circumstances at the scene, the investigation needs to consider and determine Fabian’s medical condition as well as the condition of his diving equipment.
Sinclair said he is awaiting a report from the Medical Examiner’s office, which is charged with investigating sudden, unexpected or violent deaths. Fabian’s diving equipment is being examined by diving technicians.
“All aspects of this investigation are ongoing,” Sinclair said.
As to the circumstances at the time of the accident at the Nubble, Sinclair is still putting the pieces together.
“Surface conditions were not kind,” he said, noting there were high swells and the area where Fabian and his partner were diving was very exposed. “I would say that the ocean conditions were certainly a likely contributor.”
According to preliminary reports, Fabian was an advanced open water diver with adequate training and experience, including prior dives at the Nubble.
Sinclair said it appears the two divers surfaced after finding themselves slightly off their planned course, and upon surfacing found themselves closer to the Nubble than expected.
“The effect of big deep swells like we were experiencing on Monday (4 to 6 feet) is equally and sometimes even more noticeable below the surface as above the surface,” Sinclair said. A diver himself, Sinclair said this effect, called a surge, creates a powerful and sometimes treacherous condition above and below the surface of the water.
Sinclair said while he was saddened by Fabian’s death, he was grateful the extraction proceeded without injury or harm to the rescue workers. “Due to the conditions on the northeast side of the Nubble, the extraction was very tricky,” he said.
At this time, there is no timeline for the completion of the investigation.
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