“I was proud of my first class,” she wrote in her autobiography, “Trailblazer: The Extraordinary Life of Diving Pioneer Dottie Frazier” (2019), “and of my new career as the first woman to become a scuba instructor in the world.”
Dorothy Adell Reider was born on July 16, 1922, in Long Beach to Francis and Laura (Davis) Reider, who lived a block from the Pacific Ocean. Her father owned sailboats and motorboats and began taking her out on the water when she was a toddler.
“I managed to fall overboard at least once a day,” she wrote in her book, “but Dad said I did it on purpose whenever he said, ‘No, you may not go in the water.’”
After her parents divorced when she was 3, she lived with her father for several years on a 28-foot yawl. Grandparents and aunts also helped raise her.
“I never knew who was going to be looking after me next,” she wrote. “I guess this is one of the reasons I became so self-reliant early in life.”
She often told the story of how her father had coaxed her into serious diving. When she was 6 and anchored with him off Catalina Island, he summoned her to retrieve a coffeepot he’d dropped into 15 feet of water while cleaning it. (He couldn’t get it himself, he claimed, because he had a bad cold.) She was already a capable swimmer but hadn’t braved such a depth. With her father’s encouragement, she made the dive and recovered the pot.
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