Salvage crew raises the dive boat Conception – KEYT

September 13, 2019 - Comment

[ad_1] U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Coast Guard Conception Fire SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. – A salvage crew has raised the scuba diving boat that sank after a fire that killed 34 people off of Santa Cruz Island last week, according to the Associated Press. A crane on a barge lifted the Conception to the surface


SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. – A salvage crew has raised the scuba diving boat that sank after a fire that killed 34 people off of Santa Cruz Island last week, according to the Associated Press.

A crane on a barge lifted the Conception to the surface of the water near Santa Cruz Island on Thursday. The boat will be taken ashore for inspection by investigators.

The salvage operations have been ongoing since last week. Operations were suspended over the weekend due to safety and weather concerns. 

The National Transportation Safety Board released a preliminary report saying all six crewmembers were asleep when the blaze broke out Sept. 2.

NTSB spokesman Eric Weiss says only three members of the crew were interviewed before the Coast Guard asked the agency to postpone the remaining two interviews pending further investigation. One crewmember died in the fire.

A criminal probe is currently underway to determine if there was any criminal negligence.

Santa Barbara County sheriff’s officials scheduled a 3 p.m. news conference to discuss the progress of identifying the victims.

The press conference will be streamed on

Watch the 3 p.m. Press Conference:

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