#scuba Scorkl CEO David Hallamore Explains the James-Bond-Style Scuba Tank – The Market Herald

August 9, 2022 - Comment

[ad_1] When it comes to the hottest water toys, it doesn’t get much cooler than a James Bond-esque underwater breathing apparatus. The Scorkl is a small scuba tank with a regulator attached that is perfect for shorter and shallower diving, totally unencumbered. The portable, lightweight piece of equipment is one of the most convenient ways


When it comes to the hottest water toys, it doesn’t get much cooler than a James Bond-esque underwater breathing apparatus. The Scorkl is a small scuba tank with a regulator attached that is perfect for shorter and shallower diving, totally unencumbered.

The portable, lightweight piece of equipment is one of the most convenient ways to experience the magical underwater world without the need for bulky and expensive scuba gear or formal training.

The Founder and CEO of Scorkl, David Hallamore joined The Market Herald Fancy Nautica presenter Iolande Skinner From The Deck to talk about Scorkl’s popularity and how the product started as an idea he had for himself.

Scorkl offers an easier way to breathe underwater | Source: Scorkl

I was looking for something to stay underwater for longer. I looked on the market and nothing really existed… I looked further into it and made a few prototypes myself, tested it out and it worked. And then after that I thought ‘this is pretty cool, maybe other people might like it’.

Founder and CEO of Scorkl, David Hallamore

Hallamore said the product is perfect for scuba divers who enjoy getting out underwater but maybe don’t have the time or money to regularly prepare for longer trips or “can’t be bothered with the heavy rigmarole of classic diving”.

Compared with traditional scuba diving, Hallamore said using the Scorkl is easier because it’s portable, lightweight, and easy to store and explained that “you still get pretty much exactly the same experience”.

The portable Scorkl kit drew inspiration from Baywatch and James BondThe portable Scorkl kit drew inspiration from Baywatch and James Bond
The portable Scorkl kit drew inspiration from Baywatch and James Bond | Scorkl

While classic diving can be a time-consuming endeavour, quite often taking multiple hours at a time, the Scorkl founder explained the product is ultimately for shorter, shallower diving for up to 10 minutes at a time.

He continued that Scorkl also attracts an audience that may be less experienced underwater but who still want to enjoy its possibilities.

It’s not just for scuba divers, it’s for everybody. It’s for anybody that’s comfortable in the water who wants more of an extended experience underwater without having to prepare for two hours for it.

Founder and CEO of Scorkl, David Hallamore

Users have the ability to refill the Scorkl tank with a portable pump | Source: Scorkl

The whole appeal of the product is it brings what has otherwise been a daunting experience for a lot of people, to everybody… Everyone gets the opportunity to breathe underwater with the Scorkl.

Founder and CEO of Scorkl, David Hallamore

Going from prototype to market over two years, Scorkl was initially launched on global platform Kickstarter in 2017. Hallamore said while it had to go through an “exhaustive process of getting the product tested and certified,” it was much easier bringing the product to the marine market.

Because the Scorkl appeals to boat owners who have got money to spend on toys, he said it was “much easier” to tap into that market as opposed to the scuba, fishing, and snorkelling audience.

The Scorkl is also self-refillable using the high-pressure hand pump and is designed to sit under the chin so it doesn’t obstruct vision. It gives users a totally unencumbered experience that Hallamore described as “a James-Bond-feel” and admitted after people saw the product in action, the Scorkl “in a way sold itself”.

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